致力于非常规油气和常规油气地质综合评价、无机-有机地球化学结合与古环境、古气候重建。主持国家自然科学面上基金、国土资源行业专项、中石油创新基金、湖北省自然科学基金、湖北省教育厅重点项目各1 项,合作参与国家自然科学重点基金1项、国家自然科学面上基金2项和国家油气专项2项,主持中石油、中石化、中海油和中国地质调查局委托科研项目60项以上,主编石油高等院校特色规划教材1部(非常规油气与可再生能源),参与编写十三五高等院校石油天然气类规划教材1部(油气地球化学),出版合作专著3部,在深层油气的来源与演化、优质烃源岩形成与五古(古环境、古气候、古水深、古盐度、古生产力)重建、油气成藏等领域取得重要进展,在Fuel、Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering、Global and Planetary Change、Marine and Petroleum Geology、Petroleum Science等国内外核心刊物发表论文120余篇,其中第1作者或通讯作者SCI论文16篇(第1作者SCI论文6篇)、EI收录论文7篇,获省部级科技一等奖2项、三等奖1项。
邮箱:tyj@yangtzeu.edu.cn 309378729@qq.com
(1) You-Jun Tang,Mei-Jun Li,Rong-Hui Fang,Bao-Shou Zhang,Zhe Yang,Da-Xiang He,Meng-Ru Li。Geochemistry and origin of Ordovician oils in the Rewapu Block of the Halahatang Oilfield (NW China). Petroleum Science,2019
(2) Youjun Tang, Meijun Li, Qiuge Zhu, Daxiang He, Xingchao Jiang, Hong Xiao, Junfeng Shan, Wujiang Kang, Junying Leng and Wenqiang Wang. Geochemical characteristics and origin of hydrocarbons in the Mesoproterozoic reservoirs in the Liaoxi Depression, NE China. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2019
(3) Chunfang Cai, Youjun Tang*, Kaikai Li, Kaixi Jiang, Chunqing Jiang, Qilin Xiao. Relative reactivity of saturated hydrocarbons during thermochemical sulfate reduction. Fuel, 2019, 106-113
(4) Youjun Tang, Jizhen Zhang, Meijun Li, Yan Liu, Mengru Li, Peng Sun。Origin of crude oils from the paleogene Xingouzui formation in the Jiangling depression of Jianghan basin, central China。Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2020
(5) Tang Youjun; Liu Bin; Li Meijun; Wu Yue; Huang Jian; Zhao Shaoqing; Sun Yang. Origin of Devonian mafic magmatism in the East Kunlun Orogenic belt, northern Tibetan Plateau: implication for continental exhumation, Geological Magazine, 2020
(6) Peng Sun,Chunfang Cai,Youjun Tang*,Zhiqiang Tao,Wei Zhao。A new approach to investigate effects of biodegradation on pyrrolic compounds by using a modified Manco scale。Fuel, 2020
(7) Jizhen Zhang, Youjun Tang⁎, Daxiang He, Peng Sun, Xiaoyan Zou. Full-scale nanopore system and fractal characteristics of clay-rich lacustrine shale combining FE-SEM, nano-CT, gas adsorption and mercury intrusion porosimetry. Applied Clay Science, 196 (2020) 105758
(8) Youjun Tang, Zhonghong Chen, Bernd R.T. Simoneit, T.-G. Wang, Zhiyong Ni, Meijun Li, Long Wen, Chengyu Yang. Recognition of in situ oil cracking in the Precambrian–Lower Cambrian petroleum systems of Sichuan basin, southwestern China,Marine and Petroleum Geology,2021
(9) Youjun Tang, Ruilin Wang, Donglin Zhang, Xiaoqiang Liu, Hongbo Li, Tianwu Xu, Yunxian Zhang, Chengfu Zhang, Yahao Huang, Ting Wang.Carbazoles in oils, and their application in identifying oil filling pathways in Eocene syn-rift fault blocks in the Dongpu Depression, Bohai-Bay Basin, East China [J]. ACS Omega 2022,7,8103-8114
(10) Jizhen Zhang, Youjun Tang*, Chunfang Cai, Peng Sun, Yanyan Peng. Indicative significance of biomarker parameters on crude oil cracking rate from the Dongpu Depression, Bohai Bay basin of North China [J].Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 212 (2022) 110264
(11) Mu Liu,Peng Sun,Theodore R. Them II,Yongfei Li,Shouliang Sun,Xiaoyong Gao,Xin Huang,Youjun Tang*。Organic geochemistry of a lacustrine shale across the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (Early Jurassic) from NE China。Global and Planetary Change,2020
(12) Zhili Zhu,Meijun Li,Youjun Tang*,Ling Qi,Junying Leng,Xiaoqiang Liu,Hong Xiao。Identification of phenyldibenzothiophenes in coals and the effects of thermal maturity on their distributions based on geochemical data and theoretical calculations. Organic Geochemistry 138 (2019)
(13) Ya‑Hao Huang,You‑Jun Tang*,Mei‑Jun Li,Hai‑Tao Hon,Chang‑Jiang Wu,Ji‑Zhen Zhang,Xiao‑Lin Lu,Xiao‑Yong Yang. Quantitative evaluation of geological fluid evolution and accumulated mechanism: in case of tight sandstone gas field in central Sichuan Basin. Petroleum Science,2020
(20) TANG Youjun,WEN Zhigang and ZAN Ling。The geochemical characteristics and oil-source rock correlation of oilshow from the Majiashan profile, Chaoxian County, South of Anhui Province. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2008, 27(1)
(21)TANG Youjun, ZAN Ling , HOU Dujie , and XIAO Zhongyao。The Geochemical characteristics and origin of crude oil in Kekeya Oilfield,Xinjiang, China. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2008, 27(4)
(22)TANG Youjun and WEN Zhigang。Genetic classification of natural gases in the Bozhong Depression, Bohai Bay, China。Chinese Journal of Geochemistry,2007,Vol.26(3)
(23)唐友军,王铁冠,钱一雄。卡塔克隆起中1井储层沥青地球化学特征与成因. 沉积学报,2007,25(4),640-645
(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 苯基多环芳烃检测及其石油地球化学意义,41972148, 2020-01至2023-12, 主持
(2) 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 深层油气的来源和演化:单体化合物和碳硫同位素限定,41730424, 2018-01至2022-12, 骨干
(3) 湖北省教育厅重点项目, 不同类型页岩气源岩地化特征精细对比研究,2013-01至2014-12, 主持
(4) 中国石油创新基金项目《储层沥青中的分子标志物示踪古油藏原油运移初探》,2010-2012,主持
(5) 国土资源部行业专项,中国南方典型地区不同类型页岩气源岩地化特征精细对比研究,2013-01至2016-12,主持
(6) 中石油西南油气田分公司勘探开发研究院委托项目《川中地区侏罗系沙溪庙组天然气成藏机理研究》,2021-10至2022-07, 主持
(7) 中石油华北油田分公司委托项目《廊固凹陷沙三-沙四段页岩油成藏条件与富集主控因素研究》,2021-2022,主持
(8) 中石化胜利油田分公司油气勘探管理中心委托项目《霍布逊地区石炭系烃源岩发育特征及潜力评价》,2020-2021,主持
(9) 中石油西南油气田分公司勘探开发研究院,四川盆地侏罗系天然气成藏机制及油气资源潜力研究,2020-07至2021-10, 主持
(1) 刘成林、唐友军、蒋裕强主编,非常规油气与可再生能源,石油工业出版社,2020
[1] 高酸值油的实验方法与成藏模式, 中国石油和化学工业联合会, 科技进步奖,一等奖,2015年
[2] 层序格架下烃源岩评价与成藏关键技术及规模应用, 中国石油和化工自动化应用协会, 科技进步奖,一等奖,2020年
[3] 油藏地球化学关键技术及其在油气勘探中的应用, 中国石油和化学工业联合会, 科技进步奖,三等奖,2021年